Thursday, June 12, 2008

Enter the Graveyard

The sports world is a place for hopes, dreams and investments. Fans follow their teams game in and game out, in hopes that they'll see them hoist the trophy at the end of the year. Athletes dream about hitting big shots and making big coin. And on top of all the investments the fans and the players make, the owner's invest a lot of time and money into their teams.

Here at the Sports Graveyard, we know the world of professional sports can be a funny place. Sometimes things work out for an organization, and other times they don't. No matter the case, they all started out with big promise. No team, or business, ever starts off with failure in their sights. As fans of sports we hate to see teams leave their towns, or fold all together. But we also like to remember those teams for what they were, in good times and in bad.

Tune in when you can to help us mourn the teams we've lost through stories, pictures, video, and the odd opinion.

From the depths of the Graveyard,

The Grim Reaper

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